27 January, 2012

Questionable banking technology went to an adjacent market

New scheme to bypass the restrictions of the Central Bank to attract individual deposits, banks have only recently invented, has already spread to an adjacent market - microfinance organizations. In order to attract a lot of small loans to individuals and not break the law to explicitly prohibit this, the company draws it as a sale of shares. Legally irreproachable scheme and associated with it reputational risks are dangerous to the whole market.

The law "On Microfinance and Microcredit Organizations" prohibits such companies to borrow from the population only amounts less than 1.5 million rubles. As not to risk the loss of savings socially vulnerable layers of population. However, microfinance institution "City Savings Bank", as follows from its advertising, is ready to attract people from far smaller amounts. Information on the company's website shows the same thing. The minimum loan size of citizens - 5 thousand rubles.

However, as explained on the telephone "hot line", "City Savings Bank," the law does not violate the company. In fact, it sells to customers who invest less than 1.5 million rubles., Their shares. But for shareholders, participants and promoters of microfinance law makes an exception. From them you can take loans in any amount.

Similar technology has been tested recently for the first time in the banking market. Operation on distribution of shares to their shareholders at the end of last year launched MOSOBLBANK. True, he is so kept is not the law and the requirements of the regulator on behalf of the Bank of Russia to limit the absolute volume of attracted deposits. By issuing such instructions to banks, the Central Bank usually makes the reservation that the restriction does not affect the contributions from shareholders. After the incident with MOSOBLBANK regulator announced its intention to adjust to future copies of their prescriptions.

Regulator of the market of microfinance institutions is the Federal Service for Financial Markets (FSFM), in its register of such organizations - 1083. It is to the Federal Financial Markets Service to request verification of the situation and intends to appeal the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), which is very surprised by advertising "City Savings Bank," said ACB deputy general director Andrei Melnikov. In his view, this approach has not only a risk of unfair competition with the banks, but also with risk clients of microfinance organizations.

Certain logic in the ACB have concerns, experts say. Funds to pay for the Citizens' Savings Bank "is ready to more than banks. According to the company's website, involvement rates are 12-16% per annum, depending on the time to raise funds. According to the site Banki.ru, the maximum rates on retail deposits from banks now account for 12.5%. The difference in rates is understandable: loans, attracted by microfinance institutions from the public, as opposed to citizens' deposits in banks are not insured by the state. However, the company claim that they intend to resolve this feature. "At the moment, negotiations with the respective companies on our liability insurance," - said the "hot line".

Microfinance institutions are not the first time used the scheme to enable them to raise funds of ordinary people. Recently, such a scheme, but based on transactions with bills, apply another MFI - "Independence of business" (see "Kommersant" on November 24, 2011). In this scheme nebezukoriznenny legally, experts say. "This kind of advertising does not reflect the actual borrowing entity transaction, since it does not contain information on the need to pre-purchase of shares of the company. I do not recall any similar cases on the market of microfinance institutions" - says the president of the Russian Microfinance Center Michael Mamut. In his opinion, such action should attract the attention of the regulator.

Such activities can undermine the reputation of microfinance institutions in general are afraid of the participants in this market. "The market is just beginning to develop micro-finance, and so grossly violate the terms can not, such cases must stop as soon as possible", - says CEO "Microfinance" Andrew marula. Interested in the company and the Federal Antimonopoly Service. "We often consider the case on violation of the law" On Advertising "in relation to micro-finance companies, but that such a situation I do not remember - confessed to Deputy Head of FAS Andrew Kashevarov .- In any case, here is what you look closely, it is possible that the company reports Product not all the important information. "

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